Remember a while back I mentioned how much I hate my hair?! Well, I emailed Jose at his salon in California, just to see if someone would forward it to him, well, here is the note I received back today...
Dear Izabella,I am sorry to hear that you are having so much trouble with your hair. Many women for over 20 years have been coming to see Jose for one of his "one on one personal consultations" in his Salons. The Las Vegas salon will open in mid-December...But you can call the Beverly Hills Salon at 310-278-7646 and schedule a consultation appointment for $245.00, this includes a Haircut and a Style by one of Jose's stylists.Now if you would like a Haircut by Jose himself you can get it for $500.00.No matter what you choose to do I wish you all the best! And remember to try to work with what you have and do not try to go against nature...Sincerely,Carole CorrevonExecutive Assistant
So here is my thinking on this didn't get forwarded to him, booohooo, and what the h@#l $500!!! that's alot of money to sit & talk with someone to fix my hair, but ya know I would consider it, that's how much I can't stand my hair, and to personally talk with Jose Eber, wow! that would be such an honor, I know he could peform miracles on this rats nest of mine!!! hmmmm 500.00 + hotel + gas + food + whatever else, = at least $1000.00 all for my hair!? am I worth it? seems pretty selfish to spend that kind of money, maybe I'll just do some more research on what the heck to do with my fried hair~ but then again~hmmmm
holy yikes batman! 500?? Hubby gets his boxers in a bunch when i pay $50 for a haircut - we were spoiled for a while though. We had a close friend that was a kick ass stylist and did us for FREE. I had thoudsands of dollars worth of services. Sigh, i wish she hadnt gone nutty on me
Hey, He also has salons in las vegas, dallas, and houston,tx. If you go to the one in dallas when he's in town, it's $200.00 for a 20 min consultation with Jose and a haircut from one of his stylists. They're all really good at what they do and if they don't do it the way that Jose has described, he'll finish the cut himself!
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